Monday, April 19, 2010

Poem - I Told You So

Breath taking is the beauty I marvel at

For it alone holds memories I'll die with

Even in the shadows its light will shine

Raging in my mind like an animal caged

Some call it hope while I call it deranged

No soul, no power, no hope to go on

I contemplate if life's an illusion like God

Feeling shattered like a broken mirror

I wonder if I'll end up just another killer

These urges force me to clenched fists

I repeat to myself, I never wanted any of this

Tightening my lips so I will not speak

The mind is dark and your opinion bleak

Do I carry on, paving another's path

Or do I let my dreams see the stars they cast

Slaving to find a balance that will explain

Cursing as I take the Lords name in vain

So young but am I, but by the minute older

The feeling of your presences escapes my shoulder

It's but a longing now to imagine what if

Like the last note hit on a guitar solo riff

Only should reality be bent and time shifted

Could my heart resign this ache and be lifted

It was I who loved and her that knew not

With tension surfacing like a bullet waiting to be shot

The glass ceiling came crashing down on us

Afterward, critics would say what's the fuss

Have the rug ripped out from under your feet

Be robbed of a feeling too strong yet so deep

And then suffer a sour side of this slice of life

I do not bestow or wish this, but ask will you pass the knife

Cause when the wrist is cut as so, the blood will flow

Then you will remember that I told you all so

Written By - James M. Fristik IV

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